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gbi, winner of two prestigious awards at the 2020 Grands Prix de Génie-Conseil Québécois Gala

gbi proudly accepted the Urban Infrastructure Award for its Verdun Urban Beach project, as well as the Transportation Infrastructure Award for its Turcot Interchange Dismantling project, at the 2020 Grands-Prix de Génie-Conseil Québécois Gala, presented on TuesdayOctober 13, 2020.   

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to these respective projects.  

For the Verdun Urban Beach: 

Thanks to Lise Roy, Jean Cardin and Diane Vallée from the City of Montreal, Verdun Borough. 

Thanks to WAA for the landscape architecture and in particular Ziad Haddad and Nadine Mouawad. 

Thanks to the contractors H2D and Déric Construction. 

Thankto Lasalle NHC for the hydraulic study.  

Finally, thanks to our team of gbi experts, and a special mention to Valérie Aubé, P.Eng.MBA, for successfully bringing this project to completion. 

For the Turcot Interchange Dismantling Project: 

Thanks to Michel Martin, Dominic Bélanger and their team at KPH Turcot, general contractor. 

Thanks to our collaborators, Marc-Antoine and Daniel Drapeau, from Consultant F. Drapeau. 

Thanks to our collaborator François Dallaire from WSP. 

Finally, thankto our team of experts at gbi, and a special mention to David Mousseau, P.Eng. Director of Structural Engineering, for carrying out this arduous project.